Friday, February 4, 2011

Thin & Vindicated (Oh Happy Day)

Today I had a nuclear bone scan. One might wonder how a nuclear bone scan could cause my saying "Oh Happy Day." Let me explain (please note that I'm typing this with a huge smile on my face).

The nuclear bone scan is for some problems I've been dealing with for quite some time now. Going by my history with tests, the scan will not find anything of note for my rheumatoligist, and I'll be left feeling as though I'm nuts... more nuts... still. Again, why so happy?

I was referred to as "thin" 3 times today, by three separate people. WOO-HOO!! This is something I have not heard in several years. "Too Thin" is not a compliment, but one is hard pressed to find a woman who would not feel good about hearing "How do you stay so thin?" Now never mind the fact that my shirt, and scarf, were strategically placed over the fat... whatever, it worked!

Now for the good part. Remember a post of mine from a little over three months ago, where I talked about tripping and falling onto the baby gate? Do you remember how I thought for sure my ribs were broken? Do you further remember how my mother was telling me that I really didn't need to have a chest x-ray, because she "knew" that they were just bruised? I came back from Med Express that night with my tail between my legs, feeling like a wimpy, clumsy, complainer. Not only was Mom right, but I couldn't imagine going through a break, if my ribs were just bruised and they felt that bad.

Well, during the test, the technician said "Have you had some recent trauma to your right chest area?" I said "Yeah, I fell on a baby gate about three months ago and bruised my ribs." She said "Three months ago?? Wow, they weren't bruised, they were broken, and they still are." At this point I tell her the entire story (throwing Mom under the bus), and then she asked me if my sternum was hurt as well. I told her that it hurt really bad, and that I could have sworn I felt it "moving". She proceeded to tell me that "It's pretty much impossible to break your sternum, but it's lit up here, so you must've at least cracked it... You said this was three months ago?" She then went on and on about how bad of a break it must've been, and how she can't imagine what happened to my sternum... I asked her if I could take pictures with my phone.  =)

The icing on the cake was when she brought the images back to the doctor to look at. (While I was waiting, I called Mom to get her apology). The doctor saw the pictures and asked if I was there for trauma! Ha! I am SO not a wimp!! VINDICATION!  I was carrying at least 40 pounds of squirming babies around, cleaning... Leaping tall buildings in a single bound... I made Wonder Woman look like a wimp... okay, I guess I've taken it too far, huh? I've also forgotten, all too soon, that I tripped over and fell... on what I tripped over... Still a pretty good day though. =)

Video taken before Christmas. Poor Santino. I better not be a wimp... 'Data will be a teenager one day. =)

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