Monday, December 6, 2010

Excuses, Birthdays and a Bird.

Contemplation often makes life miserable. We should act more, think less, and stop watching ourselves live.

Nicolas de Chamfort

Well, I'm in a pickle Francis. I have tried to keep the blog positive... I believe I can still do that, however, I'm just not what one would call "chipper"... even after my "hernia surgery." I want to blog, but I've had a rough month and I want to compla... err, talk about it. What to do?

Did I ever tell you how, when trying to think of names for the twins, Adam piped in with "What about Morbid and Morose?" Everyone laughed hard and long... too hard, and too long. At any rate, I have to keep it real, right? So my excuse for not blogging is, in short, I've been miserable, and haven't.  How's that?

In the mean time, I will continue to count my blessings. I will try and pry my eyes off of my navel to get me out of my funk. While I'm doing that, here are some of my blessings. Our amazing Sam has turned 10 yrs old. Double digits. Today, our sweet niece Reagan turned 11. Celebrated both birthdays here on Saturday (Sam's actual b-day).

Yes I made the cake, but it tasted like it looks like it would taste... yucky.

Finally, I love my bird. Some people (eh hem) may not feel as I do, but she makes me very, very, very... not miserable. She has taken to Santino and here are some adorable pics of Stella hanging out with Santino.

*I seem to have misplaced the video camera. When I find it, I'll share some new stuff.

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