We all get a kick out of Teodata's little attitude. She's the most patient sweet little girl, but do not "cross" her! How does one cross a 7 month old baby? Don't get her in bed on time. Put her toy just out of her reach. Kiss her when she's not quite ready. Lay her down for a nap when her brother isn't in the room with her.
Teodata began saying "Mum Mum Mum" a couple of days ago. I wasn't quite sure if she was trying to say "Mommy", or if it wasn't just baby babble. Yesterday she made her "Mum Mum" very happy when I realized that she was definitely saying "Mum Mum" where "Mommy" would be apropos. Ah, Teodata's first words were "Mum Mum".... Today Teodata said her second words "No, no, no..."
I put Teodata down for a nap in her crib as the boys and I sat playing on the living room floor with Santino... who was not ready to nap just yet. Teodata was grunting and making "unhappy" noises through the monitor. She wasn't crying, she was mad. "Mum Mum Mum Mum..." The boys will laugh now... they love her little 'tude. After about 5 minutes of "Mum Mum Mum Mum...." in a playful tone I holler up the stairs "Teodata! Go to sleep!" We hear through the monitor "No no no no ... " The boys and I looked at one another in disbelief and then simultaneously burst into laughter. Later on that night Sam began recalling the "incident" which produced a hardy laugh as he said "Mom. Teodata was talking back to you! Wasn't she? You told her to go to sleep and she said 'No!' "
So I had to post this way too flattering picture of myself because I just have to show you Teodata's 'Tude. She didn't want her picture taken.... and my chin was obviously a little too close to her face for her liking....=)
i LOVE it! her and caleb would get along so well! hes got quite the 'tude as well!