Every time I think that I could not be any more busy than I am now, the Lord shows me that the most boring day I've ever had, was yesterday. He also shows me that being "Crazy Busy" saves me from myself. It saves others who may be the victims of my idleness. Before Teodata and Santino came, I still had idle time... Now, if I have idle time, I have to carve it out. I have to work hard to be "up to nothing in particular". This is good for me... I believe it is good for my family. However, it leaves me almost no time to have fellowship with others in my life who I love dearly. It leaves me with almost no time to laugh and cry with you... My hope and my prayer is that you would not grow weary of hearing how busy I am... I'm praying that during this time that is so busy, I can keep you involved in our lives, and all the while, the Lord will teach me that there is no such thing as "free" time. All of "my" time was bought and paid for... I want to give the Buyer what He paid for.
So this blog will be about our family... and my musings as a Cracked Pot Wife and Mom. My next few posts will give you little glimpses into the past few months of our lives. Peace and Blessings to you all.
~ Andrea
Loved the photos and hearing from you all. This is a great way to stay up-to-date. Thinking of you and your big, giant family now. Everyone is gorgeous and I really need to see them!