Saturday, October 17, 2009


When I heard the news of my father earlier this week, I truly felt that I would never laugh or smile again. Alas! When you have a dysfunctional family, with a twisted sense of humor, it doesn't take long... I think it was all of 5 minutes before I informed Dad that he was a legend... I was going to write "that book" about him that I had been planning to write for so long... how I was going to make money off of him... this lightened things up a good bit as he protested "A legend? I aint even dead yet!" This made us begin reminiscing about the past. You just think about your family... the legacy... the stories there...

Maryann and Aunt Kate sent us these pictures last night. Aunt Lu took them at Mario's wedding. It could be because I'm an emotional volcano at the moment, but I  do not think so... these pictures made me cry... and laugh.  Three generations... they say that a picture is worth a thousand words, I think that some pictures write novels. I love these pictures. Hope you do as well. Thanks Aunt Lu!

Maryann is on the left here, Aunt Kate is the middle with Anya's bouquet from the day before, and Aunt Lu is on the right.

Jessica on the left, a sun deprived Adam in the middle, and David on the right.

Brothers and Their Cousin
Gabriel, front left (Sweet Gabriel is just TWO yrs old... he might end up defending his "Big Cousins" one of these days! =) ), Sam is behind Gabriel on the left, Paolo is in the middle, and Johnny is on the right.

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