"Random chance seems to have operated in our favor" -- Spock
"In plain, non-Vulcan English, we've been lucky" -- McCoy
"I believe I said that, Doctor" -- Spock (The Doomsday Machine)
I've said it in the past, and now that I think about it, saying that we've been on a roller coaster since my father's cancer diagnoses, is shamefully inappropriate. I love roller coasters. When the train takes me down the track, and I'm headed for "the valley", it's a thrill... In fact, I love roller coasters so much that early in our marriage (before we had children, and consequently had time and $) if I were feeling blue, Adam used to suggest my going to Kennywood (our local amusement park) to "ride a few roller coasters"... always did the trick for me. Several years, and several pregnancies later, the only "trick" accomplished by my riding a roller coaster is seeing if I can make it off of the ride without my needing to go to the E.R. ... I digress.
Star Trek? Yeah, it's more like Star Trek. Do I L-O-V-E Star Trek? Au contraire (sorry Trekkies)! It's quotes like the one above that just drive me nuts... I always felt like I couldn't wait for the show to be over so I could grab a hold of reality. You think that's Dr. Spock you're confiding in? Take a good look! It's his evil Vulcan twin!!! Ugh!
This is how I feel it's been... illusive almost... I can't find the words with my limited vocabulary, but nothing is certain. Nothing remains the same for even an hour. Dad came home Thurs evening (just one day shy of 3 wks) and Jimmy had him back in the E.R. very early this morning. He's resting comfortably now after being admitted to the hospital again.
What I'm learning is, that not knowing from hour to hour, even minute to minute, is already how I truly live day to day... I often deceive myself thinking that I know what will happen today, based on my plans... how unwise. There's no "random chance". There's no such thing as luck. It's all planned... pre-ordained. I just need to hang on to the Lord's hand and walk with Him.
"The mind of a man plans his way but the Lord directs his steps."
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