I hope that the fluid will stop draining from the two 3/4 in. tubes coming from Dad's chest and leading out of his side. I hope that when they take these tubes out, they will x-ray his lungs again and see that, not only did the surgery they did yesterday, work, but there's evidence of healing. That the cancer eating away at his heart... and just about everywhere they looked yesterday, will miraculously have shrunk. I hope that when they come to my family and proclaim "We don't understand... he's healing...", I can tell them that last night, as my sister sat by my Father's side, watching him labor in pain to take each breath, she prayed for a sign that the Lord was with dad. I hope that I can tell them that immediately following that prayer, my Father said out loud "Please take these chains."...several times. My hope is that when my sister told Dad "He will", that is the moment the Lord decided to show Dad his love by beginning to heal him... taking both his spiritual, and physical chains of bondage, and setting him free.
I hope that my daily scripture readings have been direct word's from God as to what He is going to do with my father. That when just today I read in Psalm 118 "the LORD answered me [and put me] in a spacious place. The LORD is for me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? ...It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man.... I will not die, but I will live and proclaim what the LORD has done. The LORD disciplined me severely but did not give me over to death. Open the gates of righteousness for me; I will enter through them and give thanks to the LORD... I will give thanks to You because You have answered me and have become my salvation ...This came from the LORD; it is wonderful in our eyes ."
I hope that I will be able to tell the young intern who's been watching Dad like a hawk, caring for ALL of us, that "One of the reasons the Lord healed my dad was to show you that He is real, and He wants to heal you as well." I hope that when the Lord heals my dad, He will continue to use this unbelievable man, but now for His glory... and that in this, Dad will know the love, the peace, the JOY, in THIS life, that only comes from Jesus.
Am I being too much of a child? Naive? Delusional? I hope not.
God is capable of all this and more. You are NOT dilusional and we are called to be as children.. not naive but innocent and trusting our Heavenly Father for all and believing that He loves us and will do us no harm no matter what we see or feel in the flesh. I love you and your family soooooooo much Andrea and I truly truly love your dad. My prayers are with you. CCOP has a healing service the first Saturday of every month. Often people will go and stand proxy for a loved one. Consider it with prayer.