~ Irish Proverb
A Little bit Disney because my children are *most of the time* over-the-top polite, sweet, and obedient (Um, 'Data and Santino are working on all of these things... sort of...). If one did not know better, they would think that much of what our boys say and do was/is scripted. We walk outside and see deer, bunny rabbits, beautiful foliage, and discover things like this Robin's nest, built in the center pillar of our front porch. The boys are climbing trees and asking to take photos of the wild life and of each other...
You are waiting for the birds to sing about creation whilst they, the deer and wee beasts begin making your garments for the upcoming ball you'll be attending that evening.
....We could feed a small village with the crumbs taken from underneath our couch cushions. There's Parrot feces on the window sills...
... Because along with the bunnies and robins, we now have a chicken coop and chickens...
I'm eagerly waiting for the refrigerator to break down so we can lovingly place it on the front porch...