I'm cutting it down to the wire here with getting this done on time. None-the-less, I'm getting it done.
I do not have video or pictures from today, however, I do have some of both to share. The photos, my sister Mary, took when we had our Tribute to the Revolution. Love the fall pics!
The quotes are from today.
Today, in our human body study, we learned (among other really gross things) about the sebaceous glands... so many places this could have gone with 3 boys who are able to talk. To top it off, we had an illustration of a blackhead (eww!). The boys do NOT want blackheads! I explained that they would not be in "danger" of getting a blackhead yet, as their pores are still very small. I then went on to tell them that their pores would get bigger as they got older. Paolo exclaims "But Mom!! By the time you're an old man, you'll be nothing but a hole!!"
I will not tell you the entire story, as the whole thing is embarrassing enough, but today my Johnny was extremely passionate when talking to someone. His tone was not nice at all, and (I still can't believe this) he used air quotations!! He's 8 (EIGHT!). I corrected him, and thank goodness, he apologized immediately to the person, but I about died! Later, Adam (who was quite baffled as to where Johnny had seen air quotations) went into the other room where Johnny was and asked him where he had learned the nasty gesture. "Johnny, who did you see using air quotes?" "Mom."... oooooops.
I asked Samuel to clean the tables and chairs for me today. Bless his heart, he works so hard, and does a fantastic job, but he distracts himself by talking (and he does not clean and talk at the same time), so it takes him forever. This is how part of the hour went:
"Mom, look how clean I'm getting this chair."
"Wow Sam! That looks great!"
"Yeah, 'cause you know how much I like kickin' cleanings' butt. Right Mom?"
"Yes, I know, and you're really kickin' butt Sam."
"Yeah, like I'm kickin' it all the way to the sky! Like so high I could send a rocket to get it. You know Mom, when I grow up, I'm gonna build a rocket and I'm gonna..."
"Okay, Mom. Sorry, you know how much I like rockets though. I like them like I like robots. You know how much I like rob..."
And so it goes. =) He did kick that cleanings' butt though!!
Teodata has taken to asking "Why?" when we tell her "No!"... she's 18 months old. I am so in trouble. Today she (again) took the outlet protector out of the outlet, and took off with it. I ran after her, scolding her as I was coming toward her. When I got to her, she quickly and dramatically turned her head away from me while simultaneously thrusting her hand toward me... handing the cover back. When I took it out of her hand, she (just a dramatically) placed both hands over her face and "fell" face first onto the couch. Again, she's 18 months old...
Sanitno and Stella get along really well. I would have to think that it's because every time I turn around, Santino is feeding her. He grunts and screams most of the day, but with Stella, he talks. "Cheese, Wellwa" "Cacker Wellwa". Very cute.
This video was actually taken a day before Stella arrived.
Little glimpses into our lives, to keep you in touch, and me off of the crazy couch.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
What happened to Tuesday? Wednesday

Well, I broke my Typical Tuesday posting streak... but at least I didn't break my sternum. Huh? I (Andrea, A.K.A. "Agile Andrea") tripped over the baby gate yesterday, then proceeded to land on it, chest first. I spent a couple of hours at Med Express to find out that my sternum, and my ribs are only bruised... as Mom kept telling me was the case... hate it when that happens. I then came home and watched the election returns. Election night is a prefect Date Night for Adam and I. We could have been offered a free evening at the finest restaurant in the city, and if they didn't have a T.V. there, we would've declined... boring geeks, yes indeed, but obviously made for one another... And so, I broke my streak.
Thank you Lord for giving me this every day, all day... even when I'm ready to stick a fork in my eye from the noise... I thank You.
I will enter His gates with
thanksgiving in my heart
I will enter His courts with praise
I will say this is the day that the
Lord has made
I will rejoice for He has made me glad
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